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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do the Right Thing

What's going on my Constituents?
I hope everyone had a safe and merry christmas along w/ getting everything you wanted and deserved.
This year for was the first time no one asked me "What do you want for Christmas?" or got an official gift to open. I'm not complaining though, it just gave me time to reflect on what's really important and focus on "the true meaning of Christmas (Jesus and his birth)"---sorry for the cliche.
Of course I would have loved to get flossy material things to flaunt and play with. Of course I would have loved to shower my loved and close ones w thoughtful and considerate gifts....But it didn't happen.
But what I did get is something I receive everyday, and that's an opportunity to wake up and magnify god's name and manifest his will. I don't do it effectively all the time, but I try. I also got my health, my family/people still alive and I'm not struggling. A lot of people can't say that.
And with that in mind, I'm content and grateful.....but with my birth mom's in town coming to visit me, that put a lot of monetary pressure on me. Not pressure from her, but pressure from myself and fantastic visions of holding my mom's down.
Last week I went to the ATM and before I inserted my card the monitor read "Do you need more time?" You all know the only time the ATM says that is when a card is already in the machine. Just to humor myself, I pressed "yes" and requested a bank statement from the cardholder's checking account. Low and behold the ATM receipt came out and disclosed it was $2200 in the account! Not a big sum but for a person going to the bank w a humble intent to w/ drawl $20, my initial hair-brained, trifling self thought 'Jackpot'!
After being caught up in the moment, the ATM starting beeping and again read "Do you need more time?"...I was torn a part b/c that was an easy come-up to help w bills and shop for Christmas right around the corner. Luckily a good friend of mine was next to me and told me not to do it; but you don't satisfy your hunger after taking one bite out of the sandwich. I need more confirmation. I called and conferred w another confidant of mine who convinced me to concede to the correct, Christ way (couldn't resist the 'c' alliteration).
The last thing my man said was "...nah, don't take the card son, God will reward you and look out for you in the future." As soon as he said that, it instantly clicked. I had to and DID return the card to the bank (I was at the ATM b4 the bank closed...fortunately! The temptation would've been extra strong if it was closed)...not so God will reward me and look out for me in the future, but because I saw this as a chance to "thank" God for the many millions of small/big blessings he's bestowed upon me to get this far.
Just to adhere to bank examples, just a month ago I left my wallet, the same wallet my old man gave me Christmas of '95, on the sidewalk in broad daylight for over 40 minutes and I came back it was there! I mean I literally drove from one side of town to another to eat some food, realized I lost my wallet, got back in rush-hour traffic to trace my steps and it was there! (insert a mother's "Thank you Jesus" here). So I had to Do the Right Thing and return the ATM card. And me finding my wallet is just one example of the many gifts I receive everyday. Did I bring it back?
Speaking of "Doing the Right Thing"...I was thinking, why are my people usually forced to do the right thing. Why do we have to get in trouble, get reprimanded, then try to rehabilitate ourselves? I guess most of the time, it's in our environment's dna to act greasy, but I truly believe most brothers WANT to do the right thing...it's just that our community doesn't aford us that luxury(doing the right thing) for the sake of being soft.
Take Mike Vick for instance. This cat recently won an award from the Eagles for "courage." While some media figures were out-raged he received the award, I understand the mentality of his teammates to vote him for that reward (Facing unruly crowds on the road, being blackballed for a certain time by the league, facing peta boycotters, being under an intense microscope, etc).
And I concur w their decision. And following Mike Vick in his subsequent interviews from prison, I truly believe he was contrite for his mistakes and appreciative to get a second chance. I also saw a man that was thankful to get a huge burden off his back. What was that burden? The burden of trying to keep it "real" or "street" for his fans and people from the "hood". Especially when those same people from the "hood" got him in prison the first place.
I saw a dude FORCED to do the right thing from the government, and eager to do it b/c he was just tired of previous actions. I saw a man relieved to do the right thing, and if anyone questions his street credibility or authenticity, Vick can rely on his legal predicament as an excuse. Either way, good for him.
But what's our excuse to "Do the Right Thing?".....Do we need one, or is it in us already?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The INSTALLATION: Welcome 2 Dice World

Peace and Welcome!

I guess if you're following me, you have the general jist of who I am so a "bio" isn't needed...But let me give you insight of what to expect from this blog: total randomness and left-field comments.
If you really know me then that parallels the behavior you're come accustomed w/ dealing w/ "Dice". But who is Dice? I really don't know. I have so many gemini/bi-polar/schizo/impressionable sides, it's hard to keep track.
Anything can change my mood and inspire ideas that contrast , conflict or adhere to the idea I had 1o minutes before. Most times unfortunately, depending on what song I last heard or is on my mind, the potency of weed I had, the last time I ate, or if I won/lost my fantasy football/madden game is going to determine my attitude.
Spiritually bankrupt isn't a phrase most associated w/ me, but i do get shitty/humble when I'm broke. Anyway this was my pre-face and pro-logue of what to expect......I'm so opinionated, I really think I should start a blog designed specifically to my different sides (i.e. "1 Siq Squirrel: my debaucherous side....1 Saved Squirrel: my spiritual side....1 Sophisticated Squirrel: my political and literature side...1 Sports Squirrel: for my sports side...)
And that naturally leads to the question, what will "the legend of Dice" be about? good question. This is my sample blog, so it may evolve to 'whatever'....but please believe it's based off my delusions of grandeur, narcissitic outlook, and things of that nature.

hope ya'll enjoy.